Chillafish TALK customer service

Great things deserve great service. We constantly want to improve and we constantly want to innovate. Hearing our customers talk about using our products keeps us focused and on top of our game. That's why your feedback's essential, be it only loving words or pretty critical remarks.

Making happy, affordable, pure and innovative products is our job. Making you - our customer - happy is our goal.

Thank you for being a Chillafish customer.

This survey is truly anonymous. If you don’t want to stay anonymous and have a shot at winning a $50 gift card from Chillafish, enter your email address here:

Your native language: *

How did you find 'Chillafish TALK', the Chillafish customer service? *

Score the following questions *

Very badBadNeutralGoodVery good
What did you think of the quality of your Chillafish bike before you contacted us?
What do you think of the quality of your Chillafish bike now?

Please answer the following statements (1: not at all --> 5: totally) *

It was clear how to fill out the TALK form
The Chillafish customer service replied to my problem quickly
I feel there was totally no language barrier between me and the Chillafish TALK customer service
I would likely recommend Chillafish to my friends and family, based on this experience

Is there something else about your experience with Chillafish that we should know about? Do you have any suggestions? Write them down here!